Rebecca O’Hare, University of Leeds
Rebecca O’Hare
Assistant Director (Residence Life & Accommodation Office)
University of Leeds

Rebecca O’Hare is Assistant Director (Residence Life & Accommodation Office) at the University of Leeds and recently completed an MA in Student Affairs in Higher Education where her research ‘Working in purpose built student accommodation: An Exploration into the Induction and Training Practices of Accommodation Managers & Deputy Accommodation Managers’ was awarded a distinction. She previously worked for global PBSA operator Campus Living Villages as their Head of Residence Life and University Relationships and currently provides external consultancy in the area of student experience to consortiums involved in DBFO projects. Rebecca is participant on the Unite Students ‘Living Black at University’ commission, was previously the chair of the ACUHO-I Global Initiatives Network, a former member of the ASRA committee and was awarded the CUBO Residence Life professional award in 2019.